Core Values

Our Core Values
Our core values are at the heart of everything we do at Child Care Inc. We hope to provide a safe, nurturing, and comfortable environment for children.
1. Safety
Keeping children safe is our first and most important responsibility. Safety isn’t something we hope for, it is something we plan for. It is the foundation of all we do. Nothing else matters unless we get this right.
2. Play to Learn
Children explore and learn about the world through play. It is the best way to learn and essential to their development. Our job is to create a place where they can play freely and to encourage their creativity and curiosity. We are not babysitters. We are play-based educators. We create classrooms for children to play and learn in their own unique way.
3. Family
At Child Care Inc., we treat each other like family. We believe our child care family is an extension of our personal family. We strive to building lasting relationships with everyone who comes through our doors.
4. Integrity
We are proud of our integrity. We do what’s right even when no one is looking. We know honesty and good communication are critical to gaining and keeping each other’s trust. It is a great honor that families trust us to care for their children. We want to honor that trust by doing a good job and giving our best effort.
5. Patience
We all need patience, whether we are giving our patience to others or needing patience for ourselves. There isn’t anything that cannot be worked out if we communicate, work together, and trust the process.
6. Kindness
Kindness is being generous, considering others, giving help or assistance, and having concern for others without expecting anything in return. Children are experts at showing kindness to all. We can learn from them as much as they learn from us.