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Our Tuition


We at Child Care Inc believe that all children should have equal opportunities. To accomplish this, we strive to provide discounts when applicable.

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Tuition Rates

The cost of tuition will vary depending on the location. Please reach out directly to the location you are considering. We do accept OKDHS, Military, and Tribal customers.


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We offer a discount on our full tuition for the following:

  • Multiple Child Discount
  • Monthly Discount
  • Military Discount

We also participate in the following programs for parents receiving childcare assistance through OKDHS, various Native American Tribes, and Military Child Care through Child Care Aware.

We qualify for tribal contracts with the following tribal nations:

  • Caddo
  • Chickasaw
  • Kickapoo
  • Absentee Shawnee

Please contact us if you think you may be eligible for support from these organizations.


Enroll Now

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Are you ready to enroll your child in a program where people are dedicated to serving children and their families? You can begin the process today.